Kim Lucas Designs ~ Infused Creativity

Kim Lucas Designs  ~ Infused Creativity
Mixed Media and Creative Artist & Photographer

Monday, March 7, 2016


Play with your art supplies that make you happy.  Scrape paint for no reason.  Choose colors for the fact that you have them, and by all means fingerprint to your hearts content. It's been awhile between swaps and creating. My family thinks I have all this time to make art, and while I am creating a swap I am having fun.... however, there is a difference between creating something with intent and just playing. I haven't allowed myself to play for sometime and that's where things in my mind get messy. I don't have time to create and breathe. Really all I want to do is play and all is right in the world again. Here is my piece of play from last night.

Paint dots and smudge marks first ..THEN added the background over it. Added bright stringent dark purple sharpie around the pink dots on the left..didn't care for that. So I gessoed them, added punchinella stenciled marks added more light green with my fingers. 

I did not take process pictures because it's not about the process its about playing. What you can't see is that I had 2 different pages made when I started. They were both blank, but one got dots and the other received a generous smearing of orange and yellow paints. Added a half circle on the upper right of the spine that was all alone. I then added a half circle on the left which was obviously lower but there was an obvious "disconnect". 

A few swirls of blue stabile and wa-la! What you see here is a start to a journaling page. 
Disconnect for me means this: 
1) I have a disconnect in my life with who I am supposed to or want to be
2) I am not connected in my art so there is a disconnect with the circles
3) I want to keep all electronics aside from art and blogging to a minimal. Disconnect from the routine of nothing. 
4) Nature and disconnect. I have fallen away from photography in a way that has me very narrow minded in seeing the beauty of art and nature in an organic form. I took my camera out into the woods in the rain and caught a few moments that allowed me to reconnect with my art and fresh air. Much needed. 

Kim Lucas - Blurry Space - Don't need definition to experience the idea

Kim Lucas- Forest Solitude

Kim Lucas- Ivy

Kim Lucas - Rainbow Branches

Kim Lucas - Doodles in Nature
Kim Lucas - I <3 (heart)  This Tree

Kim Lucas - Sunlight

Kim Lucas- Patterns in Nature

Kim Lucas- No Title

Kim Lucas- My drink of the day. (Looks photoshopped) Totally real.. I was drinking it!

Kim Lucas- New and Old Beauty

Kim Lucas - You Can Play at the End of the Tree Tunnel

Kim Lucas - Random Designs and Color = Art


  1. Love your photography and I'm needing to do something similar Kim.Thanks for the inspiration!!

  2. Thank you Roz! So glad you popped in to visit my blog! I LOVE photography and go in and out of phases but this was a fun connection back to nature and family time.


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Am I an Artist?

Yes. The answer is definitely YES! I have been creating artistically whether it be with a paintbrush and canvas, film and camera, or pencil ...